Are you considering dental implants, but worried about the success of the surgery, as well as the long-term success of your dental implants? It’s understandable to have concerns. After all, you’re probably less familiar with dental implants than you are with other types of tooth replacements, like dentures. Dental implants also require more of an investment upfront, so you want to be sure that you’ll see a return on your investment in thelongevity of the implants. If you’re not familiar with the statistics on dental implants, you may be surprised to learn just how successful they are. Take a look at some amazing facts about the success rates of dental implants.
Surgical Success
Every year, hundreds of thousands of people have successful dental implant surgery.
While you may not be as familiar with dental implants as you are with other dental procedures, more people have them than you might think. About 3 million Americans already have dental implants, and dentists are seeing that number grow by about half a million patients every year. That means that there’s plenty of patient data to study. Scientic journals report a 98% success rate for dental implant patients.
Individual dentists also report great success. Some dentists do hundreds of dental implants a year and maintain an overall success rate of 99%. Although any surgery, no matter how minor, comes with risks and the possibility of complications or failures, dental implant surgeries are amazingly successful and one of the most low-risk surgical procedures that you could hope for.
Long-Term Success
You can count on your dental implants to last a lifetime.
But what about the long-term success of dental implants? There’s good news there too. While dentures may wear out or lose their t and need to be replaced in ve to seven years, and even bridges only last up to ten years, dentists say that successful dental implants last for the rest of your life. Once your mouth has healed from the surgery, as long as you take care of your new implants properly, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t be able to keep your dental implants forever.
The long-term success of dental implants is what makes them such an amazing investment. Rather than having to repeatedly spend money to maintain and replace your dental implants, the way that you might with other types of dental work, simply care for them the way that you would care for natural teeth, and you’ll have them forever.
Why Are Dental Implants So Successful?
There are several reasons why dental implant surgery is such a successful procedure in both the short and long-term. But one major reason for the amazing success of dental implants is the equally amazing advances in dental implant technology, including image-guided implant surgery.
Using cone beam scanning technology, your dentist can take hundreds of pictures of your mouth in a very short time. Those images are then used to create a map of your mouth that will be programmed into a computer and used as a kind of GPS system during surgery. This ensures accurate placement of your implants, decreases the chance of human error and allows for less invasive surgery, which results in fewer complications. New dental implant technology has helped to increase the success rate of an already very successful procedure.
If you’ve been apprehensive about dental implants, knowing how overwhelmingly successful the procedure is can help put your mind at ease. To nd out more about dental implants, contact us to request information.