Saskia is the CEO & President of RADIUS Corporation, a certified women-owned enterprise that is a world-renowned designer and manufacturer of premium personal care products such as toothbrushes and organic kinds of toothpaste. Saskia recently spoke with us about today’s trends in dental products and why better-designed dental tools and toothpastes can improve dental health.
Americans might not conflate “dental products” with “eco-friendliness.” What’s so eco-unfriendly about today’s mass-marketed toothpastes and toothbrushes?
Unlike many mass-market toothbrushes and toothpastes, RADIUS products are made with the environment in mind. From the design to the manufacturing process to the products’ afterlife, we think about every stage. We use sustainable materials such as bioplastics and vegetable-based bristles, which allow us to reduce our petroleum use. Most mass-market toothbrushes are made using standard petroleum-based plastics and nylon.
Our products are also made on low-energy machines in a solar-powered facility and are designed with the utmost quality in mind. They’re made to last longer, which means they’re not being thrown away as often and filling up landfills. We also utilize Replacement Head technology on many of our toothbrushes, which reduces toothbrush waste by approximately 93%.
In terms of toothpaste, we’re very conscious of the ingredients that we use. Our organic toothpastes are the first toothpastes to be certified USDA Organic, meaning that at least 95% of our ingredients must be organic. Our toothpastes don’t contain any chemicals, artificial additives, or synthetic foaming agents that are common in many mass-market toothpastes.
All of RADIUS’ products are BPA-free. What is BPA, and why is it so important that it be absent from dental products?
BPA stands for Bisphenol A, which is a carbon-based synthetic compound that interferes with your hormones in a detrimental way, and is proven to be particularly damaging to the health of babies and young children. So needless to say, BPA isn’t something you’d want anywhere near your mouth, let alone your child’s. And yet it’s commonly found in hard plastics like those used to produce water bottles, food packaging, and even your typical toothbrushes.
What are some of the common dental health challenges for Americans today?
I think the biggest issue is gum health. Everyone knows the importance of brushing your teeth and keeping your teeth healthy, but people tend to forget about their gums – and that’s a serious problem. Many people don’t realize that gum disease can lead to other serious health problems like heart disease.
Most people have been using the same type of toothbrush for years. Can the design of the toothbrush be improved so the user’s teeth are cleaned more effectively?
Absolutely! If you think about a standard toothbrush, they’re all very similar and have been for many years: narrow heads and skinny handles. Back in the 80s when we designed our first toothbrush, aptly named The Original, we wanted to evolve that conventional toothbrush and make a product that was as enjoyable as it was effective. The Original has an angled neck, which means that the user is automatically brushing at a dentist-recommended 45-degree angle. The soft bristles and wide head mean that they’re not neglecting their gums, and the large handle with thumb grip make it easier to hold, especially for older brushers or customers that have arthritis. It’s also an enjoyable experience!
How do better toothpaste ingredients have a positive impact on the dental health of their users?
The ingredients in your toothpaste can definitely have a positive impact on your health. We don’t use chemicals or synthetic foaming agents because we want our toothpastes to be as safe as possible, and we feel we can find exactly what we need from nature and not in a lab. We use ingredients that are both natural and functional such as coconut oil, salt, aloe vera, and neem – all of which have various properties that positively impact dental health.
What can we expect from the future of dental products and dental health?
We believe the U.S. and other markets are slowly becoming more and more aware of their choice in products. People are more aware of what type of products they use and what they’re putting in their bodies. They’re realizing that it’s better to pay more for a safe, quality product rather than spending less on something that might use unsafe materials or ingredients and won’t last nearly as long.
We’ve also noticed consumers are becoming more interested in sustainable materials and are more willing to purchase products that aren’t harming the environment. Because of that, our products are specifically and meticulously thought through to appeal to the changing market.
Do you have a question about dental health? Call Watkin Dental Associates today!