Lorena Brockman is a blogger for JennsBlahBlahBlog.com and has notable know-how in blogging, health, and has been deemed “Greatest Auntie Ever” by many. To learn more about Lorena, visit her company’s blog at JennsBlahBlahBlog.com. It’s important to take care of your health, especially your teeth. There are things you could be doing now that are wrecking your teeth without you realizing it. These bad habits could be ruining your oral health for good. Take a look at the following eight bad habits that you may want to put a stop to keep your smile great.
1. Using Your Teeth as Tools
Teeth are meant to chew food and help our speech, among other things. Though chompers are extremely strong, using them as tools causes damage. Don’t chew ice, pens, or try to open bottles with your teeth. It can scratch the enamel and completely chip your teeth or crack fillings. Use the tools designed to open nuts, loosen lids, and pop a wine bottle and keep your teeth strong so they can be used for what they are meant for.
2. Clenching and Grinding
Bruxism, or clenching your jaw, can wear down your teeth and gums. When gums wear down, it reveals part of your tooth that lacks enamel and sits close to the nerve endings. This causes sensitivity and pain, and the enamel can’t be replaced. It also weakens teeth and can cause crowding in your teeth and jaw line. If you grind while you sleep, talk to your dentist about obtaining a mouth guard and find ways to relax to reduce clenching.
3. Brushing Too Hard
Brushing your teeth daily is a great habit, but scrubbing them with extra firm bristles can be harmful. Brushing too hard wears down enamel and gums. Though a little blood while brushing is no need to worry, breaking skin continuously causes sores, tenderness, and possible infections. Dentist recommend using a soft bristle brush with firm strokes, but take your time and don’t go overboard.
4. Using Tobacco Products
It’s already known that smoking and chewing tobacco have health risks. It makes sense that it causes problems with teeth as well. Smoking can lead to stains on teeth due to nicotine and tar found in tobacco products and leads to gum disease by causing bacterial plaque build up. Chewing tobacco, which also causes gum disease and stains, causes gums to recede from teeth and they are unable to recover; that is sure to ruin your smile for good.
5. Brushing Too Quickly
Take time to brush your teeth and do it correctly. Brush vertically because the enamel is made up of rods that run up and down, so brushing horizontally can damage them. Hold your brush at a 45-degree angle to your tooth surface and brush in small circles. Clean a few teeth at a time and brush away from the gum line to rid teeth of loosened plaque and grime. Follow with a proper mouth rinse and you’re on your way.
6. Multitasking
Many people have super busy mornings with a lot that needs to get done. Multitasking can be good for certain chores, but not oral hygiene. Take a few minutes to dedicate your focus on cleaning your mouth and teeth properly. Leave your phone alone, don’t try to fix your hair, and don’t brush in the shower. Stand in front of a mirror so you can see all parts of your mouth and teeth while cleaning.
7. Using Foreign Objects to Clean Teeth
Using floss and toothpicks are healthy ways to get rid of particles between teeth, but be sure you’re using safe items on your pearly whites. Don’t use metal picks, knives, or other hard items to pick at your teeth. You can crack fillings, scratch teeth, and possibly cause an injury. Stick with dental floss, wooden or plastic toothpicks, and sugar-free gum to get rid of the gunk in your teeth.
8. Mouth Piercings
It’s an individualistic world and a lot of people use tattoos and piercings to express themselves. Oral piercings can cause a number of problems, however. Excessive bacteria can grow if you don’t care for your piercings, infections can come along, and healing time can be excessive. Also, if you play with the metal rods, rings, or ball screws, you could be causing chipping or scratching and increasing sensitivity. If you must express yourself, opt for plastic rods or rings and remove them each night if possible. There are a lot of ways to improve your smile, and putting an end to these habits can be a huge step in keeping your mouth healthy. They are small changes that can make a huge difference and can save you time, money, and pain in the future. In the meantime, call us for your next check up so you can find out exactly where your oral health stands.